Products Attachments

Let magento Product Pages sell more by enhance it with additional attached files for customers downloads.
Product Attachments is perfectly simple tool enhance product pages with more complex information which
can be uploaded for customers as documents e.g. license, warranties, guides etc.
Magento Product Files extension

Products Attachments extension for Magento allow you easily upload unlimited files of any type to product pages. It’s allow you enhance product pages with additional information which may work as trigger for sale or just useful information for user such as: case studies, use cases, licenses, certifications, specifications etc. After upload files to required products, files will appear in your magento store for customers download at any time they want.

Extension allow you select place where you want to place files for downloads. It can be placed in tab mode – special block will be placed with detailed information about product, or in section mode - under price section in overview product section. You can set title for special block, names of files/url for downloads, files visibility, files order.

Magento Product Files extension

Product Attachments magento extension core features:

Upload files to products to share with customers
Product Attachments magento extension allow you upload unlimited number of files to products. This files automatically appear on product page for customers download.
Add files to special block on product page
Files which is uploaded via Product Attachments extension appear for customer in special block. Special block have title which can be configured same for all products or unique per product.
Select required special block type
You can select 'tab' and 'section' special block type. Tab type - appear as separate section in detailed information section of product page. Section type - appear right under price section of product page.
Support any files types
With Product Attachments magento extension you can easily upload files of any types to product page. You are not limited to which product type to upload. It can be: pdf, doc, docx, xls, jpg. You are also able instead of files specify URL.
Files downloads statistic
Additionally to download, extension track how much time files was see or downloaded. All this statistic appear under separate section. So you can see how much time customers has seen specified file.
Unlimited number of files
For each product you can upload as many product as many is required. Extension has no limits amount of attached files to product.
Customize files names
For any uploaded files you can specify their custom name in field 'Title'. Files will appear for customer under this customized names.
Visibility and order of files
You can sort files by order which you required right in extension, as well as you can setup which file is required to appear for customer to by select No option for files Visibility.
Support multi-store magento mode
Product Attachments extension support multi-store magento feature. You can manage files uploaded per product for different stores in magento.

Doing successful online business today is all about flexibility and change. Download Product Attachment magento extension now, and let your product pages generate more sales for you!

US $69.00
15 days
money back
bugfree guarantee
5 stars
quality support
meets Magento
programming practices
60 sec's
easy less, than 60
second installation
CE: 1.5.x - 1.9.x
EE: 1.8.x - 1.13.x